Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12Dash Avatår in the Human Physiology Matsya Avatår in the human physiology Matsya Avatår corresponds to the hormones that circulate in the body fluids. Narasiμha Avatår corresponds to the diencephalon in the centre of the brain. Bhagavån Råm Avatår corresponds to the somato-sensory and supplementary sensory-motor cortex in the brain. The river Sarayu, which borders the city of Ayodhyå, corresponds to the middle cerebral vein. Buddha Avatår corresponds to the diencephalon and brainstem areas. Kalki Avatår corresponds to the temporal lobe, which sits on a horse-shaped structure called the hippocampus. The hip- pocampus corresponds to Kalki’s horse. Bhagavån K®ishΔa Avatår corresponds to the parietal lobe and sensory cortex in the brain. Våman Avatår corresponds to the ho- monculus in the motor cortex. Parashuråm Avatår corresponds to the amygdala, and his axe corresponds to the corpus callosum in the brain. K™rma Avatår corresponds to the portal system located in the hypophysis of the brain, which sits in a structure called the sella turcica. Varåha Avatår corresponds to the brainstem supporting the brain. K™rma Avatår in the human physiology Våman Avatår in the human physiology Parashuråm Avatår in the human physiology Varåha Avatår in the human physiology Narasiμha Avatår in the human physiology Råm Avatår in the human physiology Buddha Avatår in the human physiology Kalki Avatår in the human physiology K®ishΔa Avatår in the human physiology Excerpts from pp. 352 – 373 of Dr. Tony Nader’s First Book Human Physiology: Expression of Veda and the Vedic Literature 9 9